Just a heads up to my blog followers. I am having domain renewal issues. Hopefully the outcome will be positive but right now it's a frustrating mess. A new system was put in place that ruined an otherwise smooth process.
Hopefully we can get everything straightened out quickly. This is not a financial issue but a technical one. (The domain renewal is a whopping $10.)
I have had this blog for a couple of years now. It's helped some people and made a tiny bit of money. The big loss will be in the work that I have put into keeping it fresh. There are a lot of posts that are at risk of being lost.
If you are thinking about buying a domain, don't worry. The process is usually seamless. You buy the domain, plop your credit card number on the account and it charges annually. This time there seems to be a glitch in transferring over to the new system.
My hope is to get it worked out before the domain name expires. That's the plan anyway. Please keep your fingers crossed for me.
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