Thursday, September 22, 2011

How to make a cheap coupon binder

I'm learning how to use coupons more effectively to save money. Even the highest value coupon is no good if it doesn't make it to the store. My first step was to create a cheap coupon binder. These are available for purchase at various sites online. Many of them range from $20 - $30. That's a little rich for my blood so I decided to make my own cheap coupon binder.

Making the binder isn't hard and didn't take long. This one was put together in one evening for a minimum investment. A quick run to Wal-Mart and about $5 got everything that was needed. It's not as deluxe as some of the online coupon binders but it works for me.

Coupon binder supplies included an inexpensive 3 ring binder with pockets, a set of dividers, 3 hole punch and a very cheap pair of scissors It also needed a pen, black magic marker and a few plastic baggies. These supplies were already laying around the house.

One item that I needed to pick up but forgot is a zippered pouch. This works the best for holding the scissors, pens and magic marker. You could use a plastic baggie in your coupon binder but it won't take long for the scissors to punch through. The pouch can be found at a dollar store or Wal-Mart.

I've written an article on how to put the coupon binder together. It's on the Yahoo Contributor Network.

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