Monday, October 1, 2012

Why a replacement engine beats buying a vehicle

When it comes to my car, the hand has been writing upon the wall for some time. We are faced with having to replace the engine. It's a massive car repair bill that I didn't see coming. The air conditioning needs to be fixed and the P.T. Cruiser needs new front struts. A new engine won't fix either of those.

It's very slow going but we are making some progress. We were able to get rid of two small bills this month and take care of a huge chunk of I.R.S. taxes. This will free up space in our monthly budget to put toward the car repair. It seems like a long time but we're hoping to have this done by December. We're also selling some things online which will help.

I almost cried when the mechanic suggested taking my much-loved P.T. Cruiser to the dealership. His exact words were "so you can look at the showroom". I can't say that the idea isn't appealing. There are lots of reasons to consider a new(er) car but, there are just as many reasons not to do it.

Don't laugh but, my main reason for not buying a new car is the cost. I was told to expect to spend at least $5,500 for a dependable used car. The new engine is estimated to be $2,600 plus tax and installation. The dealership will tackle a few other things for just the cost of parts. That brings the car repair to about $2,800.

Putting the engine in is estimated to be about $400. Taxes, fees and supplies should still keep the price below or around $3,500. The air conditioner and struts and another $900 or so and brings the repair costs to about $4, 400- still $1,100 below the estimate for a dependable used car.

Another option is to buy new. Thinking about paying roughly $400 for the next fives years is making me break into a cold sweat. Never mind the fact that I don't want the other stresses of buying a new car. (If you've ever witnessed someone trying to steal your car, then you understand where I'm coming from.)

Right now the car is still driveable for very short trips. So, I think that we're going to try for the repairs. We will essentially be down to one vehicle for the foreseeable future. In the end, I think that it will be worth the struggle. I hope so anyway because I really want to get rid of the debt.

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